EMEA’s new paediatric committee elects chairman and vice-chairman

Appointee name
Daniel Brasseur

The new committee set up by the European Medicine Agency to evaluate medicines for paediatric use has elected Daniel Brasseur as its chairman and Gérard Pons, as vice-chairman. Both appointments took effect on 26 September 2007 and will last for three years.

Dr Brasseur is a physician, specialising in paediatric medicine. He is currently coordinator of medical assessors at the Belgian Federal Agency for Medicines and Medicinal Products and also head of the infantile unit at the University Children’s Hospital in Brussels, Belgium. Dr Brasseur was chair of the EMEA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) for two terms from 2001 until 2007.

Professor Pons is head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at Cochin St Vincent de Paul Hospital in Paris, France as well as professor of clinical pharmacology at the University Paris Descartes in Paris. In addition, he is president of the paediatric working party at the French regulatory authority, Afssaps.


EMEA press release, 27 September 2007

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